Matthew 8:23-27

Awhile back, my family and I experienced a lively Tony Evans sermon.  Tony was energized, talking about the time when Jesus calmed a storm.  Tony clarified that the problem was a big storm, and then he emphasized that in order to solve the problem, the disciples had to wake Jesus up.  After they woke Jesus up, and He heard they were terrified of drowning, Jesus, in verse 26, “…rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”  Tony said once we tell Jesus our problems, He can speak to those problems for us.

Jesus spoke to one of my family’s problems.  Almost exactly a year ago, a strong, hurricane-like derecho came.  We fervently prayed, and God kept us safe.  Many, including us, received roof damage, etc.  We recently arranged for the last of the repair this last week.  With that danger and repair in the past, we give credit to Jesus for speaking to that problem!