
2 Samuel 22, 21:15-17a

I read about a battle between Israel and the Philistines.  David was exhausted, and a Philistine named, Ishbi-Benob,  wanted to kill him.  Then Abishai came forward, and killed the Philistine.  I believe God used Abishai to rescue David.  David was a thankful man, and spoke the words of a song to God since He helped David many times.

God rescued me on May 21, 2009.  I was driving on Bever Avenue, a busy street, when someone ran a stop sign, and headed for the left front of the car.  I was forced to swerve immediately to the right onto a side street, and unfortunately, there was a car at a stop sign there, right in my path.  I closed my eyes, and braced for the impact as my tires screeched, but instead, our car just straightened out, and seemed to float.  Shaken, eyes now opened, I drove slowly, found a place to park, and checked out the car.  There weren’t any scratches, and I wasn’t injured!

I believe God sent an angel to pick up our car.  Thanks be to God, my rescuer!  God helps me in many ways, but the Heavenly help on Bever Avenue that afternoon stands out.  Every year now when I put up a new calendar, I record on May 21st the words, “Heavenly help on Bever Ave.” so I can remember what God did for me.  God cares for us.